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Al Capone goes to Atlantic City
Second from left; David Palter, Charles T. Green, Al Capone and Enoch "Nucky"Johnson.
Miami, Florida, Al Capone can be seen in photos and home movies having fun with friends in his massive pool. Surrounding him for photos are the likes of Ciro "The Artichoke King" Terranova, Charles "Lucky "Luciano and Frank Costello.
This was probably the precursor meeting to official one about to unfold in Atlantic City.
After all the fun and back slapping is over, Capone now departs for New York.
After a quick visit with Mae's relatives in Jersey and buying a gambling ship, Al Capone found himself in Atlantic City accompanied with Frank Rio and Frank Nitto.
May 12 - 15, 1929, Al Capone was to be part of a meeting between gangsters and politicians in order to keep the peace in Chicago. Many other counterparts were in attendance, New York and Philadelphia. The Peace treaty that was agreed upon by all was to make the warring factions keep the peace and for the heat to die down in Chicago.
One main subject during the meeting was for all gangs to avoid in trying to open any new race tracks in Chicago.
Chicago by then had only two tracks, one of which was the Hawthorne (Capone gang), and the other the Fairvew (Moran gang).
An injunction was submitted in court that was laying dormant concerning the legality of dog racing as compared to horse racing.
As long as the courts stalled on a verdict, the dog racing could continue at both these tracks unmolested by the law.
Capone wanted no waves being made that would re-ignite the debate and end up having authorities close up both their tracks. This meant not even thinking of opening a new track.
Other issues were the regular ribbing the gangs gave each other by encroaching in each other's bootlegging territories.
Politicians were also on hand to deliver their promises on graft provided by the gangs and not to be doublecrossing each other after agreeing on prices.
After a successful gangland conference, Al Capone and Frank Rio make plans to head back to Chicago.
On the way, their automobile suffers a major breakdown.
Often disputed photo that was claimed to be tricked was actually real and was used in a newspaper several day guessing game as to whom was in this photo. Several prints were made in order for the subjects to be painted out and revealed to the public one by one every day until the photo was complete.
(New York Evening Journal January 1930).
The President Hotel where Al Capone stayed during the gang meeting.
The Courier-Journal July 27,1941.
The Daily Times August 2,1941.
The main lounge of The President Hotel.
President Hotel clothes hanger.
(Mario Gomes Collection)